Support Crime Stoppers Today!

Your tax-deductible donations to Rochester Area CRIME STOPPERS support an Anonymous Tip Line; Reward Fund; Web Tip Texting Program; Felony Fugitive Flyer; and local K-9 Initiatives to provide veterinary support. Please give generously. Every dollar counts.

Please DONATE here.

OR mail your tax deductible check to:

P.O. Box 92208
Rochester, NY 14692

Support Crime Stoppers Every Time You Shop!

*CRIME STOPPERS is a 501 c 3 non-profit. Your donation may be tax-deductible.

OR you can support Rochester Area Crime Stoppers each time you shop online with Amazon.

Amazon Smile is a way for you to designate your local Rochester Crime Stoppers as your chosen eligible charity. Click on the image to register with Amazon Smile and know that each time you shop online with Amazon you can support the mission of Crime Stoppers.